Submitted by AnMu@Hyd on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 10:56

A study conducted by Steam Srl reveals a high geothermal lithium potential in the Latium region of Italy, garnering further interest from developer Altamin.

The Australian mining company Altamin has announced a 500% expansion of the Latium project area after being granted four new exploration licenses. This expansion is based on work by Steam S.r.l., which is preparing a comprehensive reservoir assessment for the expanded area and integrating historical data from ENEL test drillings of the 1970s and 1980s.

"Lithium made-in-Italy has great potential, especially the volcanic-Tyrrhenian belt extending from northern Latium to Campania," said Paolo Basile, Chief Geologist of Steam.

"Steam's assessment has given us the justification to significantly expand our exploration licenses and commission Watercycle for DLECTM tests. We aim to advance these projects swiftly," commented Geraint Harris, Managing Director of Altamin.

Matteo Quaia, CEO of Steam, emphasized that lithium extraction from geothermal brines is crucial for a cleaner, more sustainable future. ENEL samples show lithium content of up to 250 mg/L.

Due to positive assessments and environmental approvals, Altamin has commissioned Steam to update the reservoir assessment, supporting the EU's goal for sustainable and independent mineral resource development. Altamin is currently exploring partnerships and the potential spin-off of assets into a new lithium-focused company.